volné pracovní pozice

Aktuální volná místa najdete v seznamu níže. Pokud Vás některá z pozic zaujala, můžete se o ni ihned ucházet. Zažádat o místo můžete i z vlastní iniciativy, pošlete nám jednoduše životopis a motivační dopis, pečlivě si vše projdeme a ozveme se Vám.

Gruppenfoto von sieben Mitarbeitenden aus verschiedenen Abteilungen
Listing {#12121
  #query: QueryBuilder {#12122
    #_adapter: Connection {#2395
      #_conn: Connection {#276
        inTransaction: false
        attributes: {
          CASE: NATURAL
          AUTOCOMMIT: 1
          PERSISTENT: false
          DRIVER_NAME: "mysql"
          SERVER_INFO: "Uptime: 1033734  Threads: 8  Questions: 573893577  Slow queries: 0  Opens: 43288  Flush tables: 1  Open tables: 5978  Queries per second avg: 555.165"
          CLIENT_VERSION: "mysqlnd 7.4.30"
          SERVER_VERSION: "5.7.12"
          STATEMENT_CLASS: array:2 [
            0 => "Doctrine\DBAL\Driver\PDO\Statement"
            1 => []
          CONNECTION_STATUS: "pimcore-cluster.cluster-cyehy2usxici.eu-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com via TCP/IP"
      #_config: Configuration {#2387
        #_attributes: array:2 [
          "filterSchemaAssetsExpression" => null
          "filterSchemaAssetsExpressionCallable" => SchemaAssetsFilterManager {#2388
            -schemaAssetFilters: array:1 [
              0 => BlacklistSchemaAssetFilter {#2389
                -blacklist: array:1 [
                  0 => "lock_keys"
      #_eventManager: ContainerAwareEventManager {#2390
        -listeners: array:1 [
          "loadClassMetadata" => array:2 [
            "0000000056f612d50000000025177f7b" => RouteConditionMetadataListener {#2391}
            "0000000056f612da0000000025177f7b" => AttachEntityListenersListener {#2392
              -entityListeners: []
        -initialized: []
        -container: appProdProjectContainer {#105 …21}
        -listeners: []
      #_expr: ExpressionBuilder {#2396
        -connection: Connection {#2395}
      -autoCommit: true
      -transactionNestingLevel: 0
      -transactionIsolationLevel: null
      -nestTransactionsWithSavepoints: false
      -params: array:11 [
        "driver" => "pdo_mysql"
        "charset" => "UTF8MB4"
        "user" => "frischeis"
        "password" => "Koth3fiH"
        "dbname" => "frischeis_shop_pimcore"
        "host" => "pimcore-cluster.cluster-cyehy2usxici.eu-west-1.rds.amazonaws.com"
        "port" => "3306"
        "driverOptions" => []
        "wrapperClass" => "\Pimcore\Db\Connection"
        "serverVersion" => "5.6"
        "defaultTableOptions" => array:2 [
          "charset" => "UTF8MB4"
          "collate" => "utf8mb4_general_ci"
      -platform: MySqlPlatform {#2397
        #doctrineTypeMapping: array:32 [
          "tinyint" => "boolean"
          "smallint" => "smallint"
          "mediumint" => "integer"
          "int" => "integer"
          "integer" => "integer"
          "bigint" => "bigint"
          "tinytext" => "text"
          "mediumtext" => "text"
          "longtext" => "text"
          "text" => "text"
          "varchar" => "string"
          "string" => "string"
          "char" => "string"
          "date" => "date"
          "datetime" => "datetime"
          "timestamp" => "datetime"
          "time" => "time"
          "float" => "float"
          "double" => "float"
          "real" => "float"
          "decimal" => "decimal"
          "numeric" => "decimal"
          "year" => "date"
          "longblob" => "blob"
          "blob" => "blob"
          "mediumblob" => "blob"
          "tinyblob" => "blob"
          "binary" => "binary"
          "varbinary" => "binary"
          "set" => "simple_array"
          "enum" => "string"
          "bit" => "boolean"
        #doctrineTypeComments: null
        #_eventManager: ContainerAwareEventManager {#2390}
        #_keywords: null
      #_schemaManager: null
      #_driver: Driver {#2394}
      -isRollbackOnly: false
      #defaultFetchMode: 2
      #autoQuoteIdentifiers: true
    #_parts: array:11 [
      "distinct" => false
      "columns" => array:3 [
        0 => array:3 [
          0 => "job"
          1 => "oo_id"
          2 => "Id"
        1 => array:3 [
          0 => "subsidiary"
          1 => "*"
          2 => null
        2 => array:3 [
          0 => "localized"
          1 => "*"
          2 => null
      "union" => []
      "from" => array:3 [
        "job" => array:4 [
          "joinType" => "from"
          "schema" => null
          "tableName" => "object_39"
          "joinCondition" => null
        "subsidiary" => array:4 [
          "joinType" => "left join"
          "schema" => null
          "tableName" => "object_13"
          "joinCondition" => "subsidiary.oo_id = job.subsidiary__id"
        "localized" => array:4 [
          "joinType" => "left join"
          "schema" => null
          "tableName" => "object_localized_query_39_cs_CZ"
          "joinCondition" => "localized.ooo_id = job.o_id"
      "where" => array:3 [
        0 => "(job.o_published = 1)"
        1 => "AND (localized.title is not null and localized.title != '')"
        2 => "AND (job.o_path like '/jobs/subsidiary/cz_jobs/%')"
      "group" => []
      "having" => []
      "order" => array:1 [
        0 => array:2 [
          0 => "date"
          1 => "DESC"
      "limitcount" => null
      "limitoffset" => null
      "forupdate" => false
    #_tableCols: []
    #params: []
    #paramTypes: []
  #offset: 0
  #limit: 30
  #rowCount: 0
  #list: null
  #itemClassName: "AppBundle\Service\ListItem"
  #itemType: "object"
  #filter: []
  #locale: null
SELECT `job`.`oo_id` AS `Id`, `subsidiary`.*, `localized`.* FROM `object_39` AS `job`\n
 LEFT JOIN `object_13` AS `subsidiary` ON subsidiary.oo_id = job.subsidiary__id\n
 LEFT JOIN `object_localized_query_39_cs_CZ` AS `localized` ON localized.ooo_id = job.o_id WHERE (job.o_published = 1) AND (localized.title is not null and localized.title != '') AND (job.o_path like '/jobs/subsidiary/cz_jobs/%') AND (job.subsidiary__id in (1780,1786,1794,1799,1804,1809,1762,15022140,3879684)) AND (job.department__id in (2617386,2617387,2704331,2704333,2704334,2704335,2704345,2704348,2704349,14695720)) ORDER BY `date` DESC
Název pozice
Místo práce
Typ úvazku
Pracovní zařazení
Datum zveřejnění